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In a nonprecedential opinion, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (the “Board”) affirmed a decision refusing to register the trademark TRUMP TOO SMALL on the grounds that the mark consisted of President Trump’s name without his written consent.  In doing so, the Board rejected arguments that the applicable Lanham…
Last week, the Supreme Court held that the combination of a generic word and “.com” is not necessarily generic and may be eligible for federal trademark registration.  A trademark allows consumers to distinguish the goods or services of one manufacturer from another’s and permits a trademark owner to protect…
Plaintiff Stephanie Sinclair brought suit against Defendant Mashable and its parent company, alleging copyright infringement when Mashable posted Sinclair’s photograph on its website without Sinclair’s authorization.  The Court originally granted Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss, finding that the Defendants had a valid sublicense from Instagram to post the photograph. However,…
In a summary order, the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit recently side-stepped a difficult question currently facing copyright law: whether the human body is a sufficiently tangible medium of expression to warrant copyright protection.   Plaintiff Sammy Mourabit (“Mourabit”), a makeup artist, provided makeup services for a…
The Federal Circuit recently issued two opinions regarding fee awards in patent cases, both of which show the Court’s reticence to award fees in contravention of the “American Rule” where each party bears its own costs.  As such, if patent litigants seek fees as an exception to this rule…
The cannabis industry is subject to a confusing, complex web of laws that differ among each state, all while marijuana remains illegal at the federal level.  Unable to register trademarks related to cannabis and marijuana with the federal U.S. Patent and Trademark Office or seek protection in federal courts,…
A federal judge recently ruled that the inclusion of the chorus of a children’s song in a documentary about burlesque dancers amounted to fair use.  The decision shows just how impactful the evolving transformative use issue can be in a fair use analysis. Tamita Brown, along with two coauthors…
On May 13, 2020, the United States District Court for the Central District of California granted summary judgment to all corporate and individual defendants with respect to Plaintiff’s non-source-code, “know-how”-based Defend Trade Secret Act (“DTSA”) (18 U.S.C. §§ 1830-1839) claims seeking relief for misappropriation of trade secrets.  All source-code based…
A contentious copyright opinion by the Sixth Circuit reversed the district court’s summary judgment decision, finding that fact issues precluded summary judgment on whether one songwriter repudiated the other’s co-authorship, or whether their agreement transferred ownership and, as such, could be terminated pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 203.  Between…
On April 27, 2020, in a 5-4 decision with two dissenting opinions, the United States Supreme Court held that the annotations included in Georgia’s official statute are not copyrightable.  The ruling, authored by Chief Justice Roberts, was based on the majority’s conclusion that work performed in official legislative capacity…
On April 23, 2020, the United States Supreme Court resolved an even circuit split[1] by unanimously holding that willful infringement is not a pre-condition to a profits award in a trademark infringement suit.  This ruling increases the likelihood that, in the affected Circuits, more trademark infringement suits will settle…
The Federal Circuit recently held that trademarks for product packaging consisting of certain colors arranged in a particular design or pattern can be inherently distinctive, regardless of whether the design has any defined peripheral shape or border.  In re Forney Indus., Inc., Case No. 19-1073 (Fed. Cir. April 8,…
Plaintiff Stephanie Sinclair brought suit against Defendant Mashable and its parent company, alleging copyright infringement when Mashable posted Sinclair’s photograph on its website without Sinclair’s authorization.  The Court granted Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss, finding that the Defendants had a valid sublicense from Instagram to post the photograph. Stephanie Sinclair…
The Federal Circuit recently reversed a decision granting a preliminary injunction prohibiting patent infringement threats and allegations on the grounds that the district court failed to consider whether the statements were made in bad faith, reaffirming longstanding Federal Circuit precedent regarding the scope of a patentee’s protected speech. In…
Plaintiff Bovinett brought suit against Defendant HomeAdvisor and other companies in August 2017 generally alleging improper use of Plaintiff’s image in HomeAdvisor advertising.[1]  During the course of the litigation, HomeAdvisor filed several motions for sanctions, including requests for sanctions against Plaintiff’s Attorney.  During the course of the litigation, Plaintiff’s…
In an opinion by Justice Kagan, the Supreme Court recently held that the Copyright Remedy Clarification Act of 1990 (“CRCA”) did not validly abrogate States’ sovereign immunity for copyright infringement.[1]  The Supreme Court relied on its 1999 decision in Florida Prepaid;[2]which held that Congress could not use its powers…
On September 5, 2018, Heineken filed a complaint with the International Trade Commission against Anheuser-Busch alleging a violation of § 337 of the Tariff Act, in the importation into or sale in the United States of beverage dispensing systems and components that allegedly infringed claims 1–11 of Heineken U.S….
On March 9, 2020, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, en banc, affirmed the district court’s judgment of noninfringement of copyright in favor of Led Zeppelin and, notably, joined the majority of circuits by overruling the “inverse ratio rule” for copyright infringement in its jurisdiction and further…
Cleantech Corp. (“CleanTech”), the owner of four patents directed to recovering oil from an ethanol plant’s byproduct, began filing infringement actions against numerous defendants around the country beginning in 2009.  After the disparate actions were combined by the multidistrict litigation panel, the defendants moved for summary judgment on invalidity…