Today, much of the revenue a musician can generate from their music happens automatically through registrations with the different performing rights organizations. Unfortunately, however, there are many unscrupulous individuals who have taken advantage of their knowledge of this complicated system, and the average artist’s lack of knowledge of the system, to divert these revenues to themselves, or, more likely, a shell corporation controlled by them. This was the fate of one of Irwin IP’s pro bono clients. But, fortunately for him, Irwin IP’s Special Counsel for Entertainment and Pro Bono Services, Alexa Tipton, was there to save the day. Irwin IP is proud to announce that after Alexa’s extensive effort, Irwin IP was able to correct the record, secure our client’s rights to his music, and help him obtain thousands of dollars in back royalties.
If you are composing and releasing music, it is important to know the numerous ways in which you can automatically obtain revenue from that work. If you have any questions, please reach out to Alexa Tipton at [email protected].